Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Childrens Musuem! - My Review

Our experience from the museum. We had a blast. this is definately all day fun experience! my oldest absolutely loved the shopping area (as shown above) and the dancing area where you can be on tv. family fun!
The Fedex Plane

The Tornado
you can walk through here to get to the Fedex Plane

Airplane game that blows wind on you.

Airplane game that makes you feel like your in a real Airplane

boxs the kids can load onto the airplane.

inside the airplane

Times Square

Disco Ball in Times Square

my daughter dancing to the music in Times Square

much much more fun!

Other moms thoughts on Children Museum of Memphis (cmom)

From a mom BarberSu : "I am always surprised at just how much fun my kids have here. Even my 12-year-old still enjoys going. Plus, I don't have to spend my time telling everyone "no" since everything is made for them to touch and explore."

From a mom EmmieandMom: "Fun but a little expensive if you don't have a membership."

What was your experience like with Cmom?

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